
Deborah Lin Pérez is an architecture designer and a professional dedicated to affordable housing. She is invested in creating better affordable housing and affordable environmentally sustainable communities where people of all income levels can live, work and recreate. She strives to achieve good design at the home and neighborhood scale, while at the same time finding real solutions for the needs of existing communities.

Previously, Deborah worked in affordable housing in the Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority. In this role she managed the development of various single family houses throughout Puerto Rico and worked with HOME Grants and Tax Credits to finance multifamily affordable housing. As a fair housing and accessible design specialist she also coordinated accessibility retrofits of existing multifamily buildings. She was an Enterprise Architectural Rose Fellow hosted by Atlanta Habitat for Humanity. In this role she lead Community Engagement and Participatory Design initiatives for a new mixed use development and designed new model homes for the use of this Habitat affiliate..

She has a Bachelor in Fine Arts and Master Degree in Architecture from the University of Puerto Rico. Deborah also enjoys oil painting and drawing.